What we do

YD Special Effects specialises in providing world class mechanical and practical SFX for feature films, TV shows and international streaming service providers. We are a progressive, creative and full-service special effects company with a reputation for providing the best special effects on an international level.

Our services

Practical effects such as water, wind, fire and snow are the fundamental elements that are produced by YD SFX. Combined with custom mechanical rigs and pyrotechnics contributes to an ever-expanding list of services that we provide. We pride ourselves on the quality of our processes, methodology and ability to deliver comprehensive special effects solutions, combined with our serious commitment to professionalism, detail and safety.


From mist and fog to in-camera smoke and haze, YD SFX is constantly upgrading its atmospheric equipment and consumables. This includes importing the best smoke and haze products from the UK and the United States.


We have a selection of large exterior petrol-powered and electric wind machines for storm and wind simulation, as well as a wide range of smaller electric fans.


Producing rain effects involves a whole suite of equipment, including rated hosing, water distribution manifolds, large electric and petrol-powered pumps, multiple sized nozzles and spinning rain heads. This can be configured to numerous rain stands or to large spanning suspended rain bars.


Snow dressing and in-camera winter effects can involve a large number of products. From biodegradable starch snow, foam snow dressings that can be washed away with water, through to feature film grade cellulose snow dressings, which can be walked through and mimic any snow environment.


Internal Brief

Project link
  • Design for Manufacture
  • Industrial Design
  • Insight and Research
  • New Product
  • Development
  • Prototyping
  • Research

Our licenced operators with decades of experience permits us to use explosives, pyrotechnics, and compressed air to simulate explosions and explosive effects. Fire - We can achieve a range of propane, butane and liquid fuel effects, such as using pressurised flame systems to simulate fires. Our custom designed lycopodium machines make it suitable to be used around cast and stunt performers

Mould Making

Our highly skilled technicians use a broad range of techniques and materials to create in-camera prop piece’s. Breakaway glass, soft sets, prosthetics and makeup effects are a small segment of what can be achieved by our mould making department.

Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Kinetic effects

With a variety of equipment and techniques, we can employ forces and physics to achieve in-camera effects and elements for visual effects composition.

Talk to us about your project

Work with the highly talented group of artists, engineers, and imagineers.

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